
22 Jun 16 – Cindy

Warmup 2 Bear Crawls 2 Gecko Crawls Pec Stretch 30 Squats Strength Front Squats 5 x 10 Front Squats @ 60% WOD Cindy 20 Minute AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats

30 May 16 – Double Engine WOD

Double Engine WOD today to test your capacity. Part A WOD is a play with Bar Muscle Ups and Rings. Scale to regressions if you need. Part B WOD All of your training will tell if you are able to get to the end of this workout. Warmup 20x10m Laps Movement Flow 30 Good...

20 May 16 – Overhead Squats 5×5

Warmup 20 X 10M LAPS 2min Shoulder Circles 4 Laps Bear Crawl 2x Partner Pec Stretch Strength Overhead Squat (kg) 5 reps x 5 rounds Overhead Squat 1 x 5 : 80% 1 x 5 : 80% 1 x 5 : 80% 1 x 5 : 80% 1 x 5 : 80% WOD EMOM 14min Odd 10 Bent Over Row 80%1RM + 4 Lateral Jump...

16 May 16 – 160515B

WOD Warm up Foam roll lats/calves 1min a side 3 mins Skipping Practise 15x good mornings 15x Burpee WOD 160515 Strict pull up 5x max effort *scale to5x5 with 4 second eccentric if no body weight WOD 160515B 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push press 60/40kg Chest to bar pull up...