by CrossFit Fibre | Feb 15, 2018 | Coach's Rant, Training Philosophy, Training Tips
Ring Muscle Ups are beautiful and the most attractive skill to have in CrossFit. Elite athletes and experienced crossfitters make this movement look seamless, but there are a few skills that are needed to achieve this movement. In this post, we break down the...
by CrossFit Fibre | Apr 12, 2017 | Admin, Announcements, Coach's Rant, CrossFit, CrossFit Fibre
The Open 2017 has come to an End and our weekends over the month of March have been nothing but electric for everyone involved, including family and friends. As always no one else cheers louder for you as our FibreFam box members. Great appreciation to all who helped...
by CrossFit Fibre | Sep 4, 2015 | Admin, Coach's Rant, CrossFit Fibre
Introducing 0930 classes. If the early morning classes are too early for you, then you will have no more excuses for this one. You should be out of bed already and ready to attack the day. What better way to start it off with a WOD. Classes begin 7th September. Get to...
by CrossFit Fibre | May 13, 2015 | Coach's Rant, CrossFit Fibre
Part of our rules of the box is to “Scale if you need to”, more like when you have to for most cases. We also have another one “Technique over the WOD”. These two very important rules must be adhered to in order for you to continue to achieve...
by CrossFit Fibre | Dec 3, 2014 | Coach's Rant, CrossFit Fibre
Another weekend gone and another local friendly competition done. This was the 2nd Edition of the Three Vs Three Showdown hosted by Infused CrossFit. Spread over the weekend, this well organised event was a true spectacle for WA crossFit community to...
by CrossFit Fibre | Nov 11, 2014 | Coach's Rant, CrossFit Fibre
Turn the clocks back to mid-2013. Out searching for a box after being messed around by a couple of dubious real estate agents, losing a few not too bad locations, I drove past a bright yellow building and thought why not give the agent a call and see what the deal is...