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April-May Buzz 2017

Hello guys, welcome to our April-May Buzz! After the 5 weeks where the Opens took place, we were all ready for the very popular wine tour! A jolly good time was had and we cannot wait for next year’s! In May, we continued on with Performance Training to prepare...

Fibre FaceOff April 2

It was a great day for a Competition, Fibre FaceOff April 02. 22 Athletes in total for our little battle at home, and the wods did not disappoint either. There was plenty of thrash talk and plenty of friendships were forged even more with this little battle at home....

Which Grip do I Use?

When it comes to hanging on to the Chin Up bars or the Barbell, there are generally a few types of grip that we employ. Depending on the aim of the workout, having these different options will play to your advantage. Hammer Grip A very popular and easy to use grip...