CrossFit Fibre |

0930 Classes in September

Introducing 0930 classes. If the early morning classes are too early for you, then you will have no more excuses for this one. You should be out of bed already and ready to attack the day. What better way to start it off with a WOD. Classes begin 7th September. Get to...

Quinoa Flakes and Oats Pancakes (GF)

Ingredients (makes 3 large pancakes – enough for 2 ppl) 1 cup Quinoa flakes 1/2 cup gluten free oats (or you can go all quinoa) 2/3 cup almond milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon of peanut butter coconut oil for cooking Method: Place all ingredients in your food processor/...

Ego Vs Technique

Part of our rules of the box is to “Scale if you need to”, more like when you have to for most cases. We also have another one “Technique over the WOD”. These two very important rules must be adhered to in order for you to continue to achieve...

2015 CrossFit Open

The CrossFit Open is upon us. 14 days to prove your fitness against the best in the world. Or just join in a global workout that is done all over the world. If you have not registered for it, you should. 15.1: Feb. 26 -March 2 15.2: March 5-9 15.3: March 12-16 15.4:...

8 Week Lifestyle Challenge

CrossFit Fibre’s 8 week Lifestyle Challenge Starting 16th February.   If you are a male/female looking to improve your physical and mental performance by way of an intense workout prescription and a caveman eating method, you need to take a look at the link...

2015 Systems are Go!

Happy New Year! It is 2015! Hurrah!   As the pudding subsides and the grog detoxes from your system, you would have now realised that reality has settled in on you, but you had a bloody good time! If you have not already sat down and reflected upon your eventful...