Masters League 2018 Invitational Masters Perth WA
30 June 2018
Crossfit Fibre Perth was represented by 4 of our Masters Athletes at the Raw Edge Invitationals. Kerry Collins, Tash Sherriffs, Daniel Nin and Henry Dos Santos.
A great day with the Masters athletes of Perth.
The workouts were pretty spicy and lung-y but overall quite fun.
- 2km/1.5km ROW
- 9 Deadlift
- 12 Wall Balls
7min EMOM
- 7 Burpee Over Bar
- 20 Double Unders/30 Single Unders
- Max Rep Thruster 450/35
- Minimum 4 Burpee O Bar to stay in EMOM or Tap Out of WOD
8min Timecap
- 9-6-3
- Power Clean 75/35
- Shoulder to Overhead
- Front Squat
- Bar Muscle Up
The event was well run at Raw Edge CrossFit and the day ran smoothly and we finished on time, which was really good. Gotta love the comps that finish on time!
Pictures above show the crew in action on the day. The competition was just as fierce as any other competition and the vibe was great.
A great result as well for our little but tenacious team of 4 with Henry Dos Santos coming in 1st place in the Soldier 55-59 Division. Podium finish for Henry. Fantastic!
And then we saw Henry do his Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Dance. It was so good!
At the end of the day we also saw Kerry Collins and Daniel Nin come 3rd place in their Divisions as well. Sadly there was no podium set up for 3rd place (just because 1 & 2 go over east). But still definitely worth the mention! Well Done Team on your efforts. We have a surprise for you. Hopefully it will be ready by mid week. We do this for fun but it is always nice to have something to remember it by.
We also had a bit of fun watching Dan sleep on the floor. And of course we had to take some selfies around him when he could not hear us through his airport grade ear muffs.
Kudos to all the CrossFit Masters in Perth who threw down and showed strength. So good to see a thriving and active masters group in Perth who are down to throw some barbells around. Here’s to a greater crew at the next Masters Comp.
Want to get involved in Masters Fitness? Get in contact and we’ll get you sweating.