IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: FIBRE 23 March 2020 - CrossFit Fibre


Effective 23 March 2020 midday (morning classes and 9.30am are still going ahead), Fibre Active will be ‘closed’ (paused) due to the COVID-19 crisis in Perth, World. This is a hard decision that we have come to but it was a matter of time. When we will reopen, is indefinite.

This is obviously in line with saving lives and really taking Social Distancing seriously. We cannot mess this one up. Community adherence is key to everyone’s survival. We play our part as a community.More than ever now, small businesses like ours and countless others need your support. We feel for anyone and everyone caught up in this. But we are not alone.
If you are experiencing hardship with your memberships, please email us about it. If you are continuing to support us regardless, we whole-heartedly thank you and we will continue to provide you guys with fun Online Zoom Training, Nutritional Analysis, Movement Analysis and also Free @Home Workouts.
Tomorrow is the last morning we will run classes. AM Classes will still run tomorrow. After that, as per previous communication, we will be running Live Zoom Training, to keep you fit, so you can continue to do what we love to do, so make sure you are not in your pyjamas.Our fitness is that one thing that we prioritise and we will continue to do so through this mad time. In fact, it will be the highlight of your days to come.
We recommend you join us for the training.Continue to train at your favourite times, wear your fitness gear, do the workouts, log your scores and check in with others and continue to maintain your routine. Our emotional health is strongly affected by regular routines by giving us a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
Stay connected with us via our Socials and our Live Events.
These would be the highlights of your days. More info to follow re: Online Training the (nitty gritty) and Equipment borrowing.
Fibre Active is not shutting doors, we are having a pause.
We are not finished.
This is not the End.
We will see you guys Online!
Team Fibre
Strength From Within