FibreBuzz MAR17 - CrossFit Fibre


Hi there! Thanks for reading our quarterly FibreBuzz!  It has been busy times since the last one, with wrapping up the big year that was 2016, getting in a well deserved break over New Year and welcoming 2017 with open arms.

2016 has been a big year in terms of growth. As we embarked on our 3rd year, we focused on improving our systems, providing our members with more services and good quality programming and coaching. As with any small business, we also learnt a lot as we grew. There were lessons learnt, things to improve on and also things to be proud of. We are constantly on our feet to make things better. We are very proud of the community we have at Fibre and enabling our members to reach their goals.

On behalf of our team and coaching staff, we hope 2017 has kicked off well for you and you have been kicking goals! We are three months in so it might be worth re-assessing your goals and systems to get you there! With no proper systems in place, it will be more difficult to achieve those goals.

And speaking of goals, check out our monthly full board of PBs below!



Congratulations to all the PeeBees in January and February. We may have to extend the board and make this PeeBee section a lot larger so that we can fit all of your milestones.








CF Fibre Richie and Audrey

CF Fibre Richie 3

CF Fibre Audrey

If you have not met Richie and Audrey yet, they are such a lovely couple and once you get to know them they truly have a heart of gold and we have plenty of time for them here at Fibre. Both have been at Fibre for just over 2 years now, they have participated in a number of team competitions – Richie is part of the famous Green Machines and most recently, Audrey has kindly joined the 5pm bitches when they were short one team member last year! A few accolades between the 2 of them, Richie placed 2nd at Frantic Day Out 2 – Intermediate division whilst Audrey placed 3rd in Fibre’s inhouse competition Fibre Face Off!

Let’s learn a bit more about them!

  • Tell us a bit about you?

Well, where to start? We moved to Australia four years ago and we have been very lucky to have settled in so well. Moving was massive for us and we didn’t have many friends here, which always makes things harder. Starting out in a new place requires you to put yourself out there and to try new things in order to meet people and that’s what we did.

We would always have tried to keep active and we were open minded about trying new things. We have both tried different gyms, boot camps and classes in order to try and keep fit, but nothing has hooked us quite like Crossfit. Richie was addicted first and insisted that I try it. He was right, (just this once) and I too was hooked, after a short time.

  • Who and what inspires you?

Richie: Everyone at the box. We are all there to do our best and it’s inspiring to see how we really come together to support and encourage one another when we are trying to achieve the best we can.

Audrey: No offence fellas but, all of the Crossfit Fibre ladies really inspire me!! For me, watching people I know reach targets and achieve personal goals is more inspiring than seeing athletes on tv. At CF, I know these girls and I can relate to them. I see the blood, sweat, tears, the effort and the hard work that goes with reaching personal goals. To not only witness them hitting targets, but also doing so with smiles on their faces (eventually J ) gives me great self-belief that I too can achieve, if I put my mind to it.

  • Can you cook and what are your favourite dishes?

Audrey: Yes, I try. If I couldn’t, I don’t think we would have got married!!

Richie: Yes, but I don’t have much time to.

  • Favourite Dishes:

Richie & Audrey: Homemade roast chicken dinner.

  • How would you describe your ideal day?

Audrey: Coming home to a clean house with no cooking to do!

Richie: To be able to eat, sleep and train.

  • What made you start CrossFit?

Audrey: Richie made me.

Richie: I was bored of a normal gym and wanted to really challenge myself.

  • What has CrossFit done for you?

Crossfit has changed our lives. We could never have envisaged how much CrossFit has helped us both to grow, physically and personally. It is so much more than ‘exercise’ or ‘working out’ for both of us. CF has not only helped us become fitter and stronger, it has helped us to develop our confidence, resilience when under pressure and self-belief. One of the first things we learned at CF was ‘I can’t’ isn’t an option and this is very true. It’s an expression that assists us in order areas of life too. We can achieve great results, when we work hard and put our minds to it. CF highlights this nearly every day, as we see others achieving PB’s and replacing the ‘I can’t, yet!’ with ‘I just did!! What’s next??

  • What is your favourite WOD?

Richie: Fran

Audrey: Annie

  • Burpees or Chin Ups?

Richie: Chin Ups

Audrey: Burpees

  • What do you like most about CrossFit Fibre?

The community. For us, Crossfit Fibre is home away from home. We love working out with our friends, and having the support of not only the coaches, but support from everyone who pushes us to achieve the next level of fitness. There are evenings/days when we are driving to CF, both feeling tired or stressed and not really feeling up to facing a WOD, but once we step inside the box, our moods change. It’s not only the WOD’s that help us to feel better, but the coaches and the people who also bring a smile to our faces.

  • If you were to design a WOD for the coach, what would it be?

Richie is answering this one.

AMRAP 15 Minutes

Deadlift @ 95% 1RM X 3

C2B X 5

Squat Jump x 8

Burpee Over Bar x 10

  • What are your CrossFit goals?

Richie: Butterfly C2B and Snatch 90Kg

Audrey: I have so many, I don’t think I could list them all 🙂

  • Any final thoughts?

Just a thank you to Jess, Bjorn, Dani and all of the coaches at CrossFit Fibre. Apart from being at home, we spend most of our time at the ‘box’ and it really is our second home in Australia. Thanks Crossfit Fibre we have most definitely made some friends for life.

An Irish Blessing

There are good ships and wood ships,

Ships that sail the sea,

But the best ships are


May they always be!




Last Dec 2016, we gathered at Frisk to celebrate Fibre’s 3rd birthday. It was a night full of laugh, joyous times, camaraderie and friendship. As we stepped into our 3rd year of operation, we reflected on the year we have been through. The lessons learnt, the things that we could have done better, the things that we could not make happen and had to put to the side. We also reflect on the things we did achieve, the number of people we have helped with their goals, the lives we have affected.. the excitement and warmth that CrossFit has brought to our lives.

We would not be where we are today without our fantastic team of coaches. Dani Sherwood, Kelvin Hall, Peter Devlin, Kade Pound, Matt Stafford, Wendy Wu. You are all incredibly passionate individuals who bring something different to the classes yet still convey the same values that we care about and want reflected to our members: PASSION, HUMILITY, RESPECT, QUALITY. Thank you for what you bring to Fibre.

FibreFam, we are beyond honored to have you call Fibre your second home. You make us so proud on the daily.

Fibre Turns 3 Group

Fibre Turns 3 Att1

Fibre Turns 3 Att2

Fibre Turns 3 Att3

Fibre Turns 3 Att4

Fibre Turns 3 Att5

Fibre Turns 3 Att7

Fibre Turns 3 Att8

Fibre Turns 3 Att8

A special shoutout to our following members who also marked their 3rd anniversary with Fibre. You guys have been pivotal in shaping Fibre into what it is today. Some goodies coming your way in your inbox very soon!

  CF Fibre 3rd Anniversary Members



CrossFit Fibre Redline

Tyler and Tina with the battle ropes during a Redline class

In February, we kicked off our new class Redline which has been very popular for the following reasons:

  • Burns off Your Fat
  • Increase Metabolism
  • Burn up Calories
  • Increase your Heart Fitness
  • Minimal Equipment
  • Lose Weight, Not Muscle
  • Challenging Workouts
  • So Easy, Everyone Can

It is truly for everyone – from the avid CrossFitter wanting to complement their CrossFit classes with more cardiovascular exercises to the new person wanting to start / get back into fitness. Each class is different. Try a class today you will love it!

Classes are available on: Monday 5pm | Wednesday 6am | Saturday 9am

A casual class is $15 or $37.50 for 3 classes per week.

Email us at to book in!

Redline Group CrossFit Fibre

Saturday Redline Mosh class!

Testimonials from 2 Redliners – Kelly Hall & Nicola Youngson

Kelly Hall Nicola Youngson

Kelly & Nicola after a Saturday Redline class!

Kelly Hall

“Finding myself free on a Saturday morning, I decided to go along to my friend Jess’ Crossfit box ‘CrossFit Fibre’ in Embleton and try out their new class Redline (HIIT).

3 weeks later and I am hooked, the box is unlike any other gym I have been to; cool and industrial looking with the best music ever!!

Jess and Bjorn use the term ‘Fibre family’ and I can see why, Jess introduced us to all the other members and that was that. Everyone I have met is very friendly and very supportive. Don’t let Jess fool you though, she pushes you hard and won’t let you slack off (I have tried!).

My strength and stamina have already improved, after my first class I could not move properly for days – this is getting a little bit better and my recovery time isn’t taking quite as long.

Jess makes each class different though, so I don’t hold out much hope of it ever getting easier!

The box even makes staying in on a Friday night worthwhile, I’d not fancy trying a class with a hangover. I can’t recommend it highly enough, a fun and fit way to start your weekend and did I mention the tunes are awesome too

Nicola Youngson

“Rocking up on day one for Redline HIIT I was actually scared – no idea what to expect! Admittedly it was bloody hard and the next day I could hardly move but it’s def got ‘easier’ over the weeks or maybe I just know what to expect now! The team spirit is amazing though, felt so welcome and lots of encouragement from everyone 🙂



We have a whopping 36 athletes participating in the open this year with a third, being first timers!  A great time to test yourself and also to achieve perhaps that one movement that you have been working hard for. The Open is a time for Open Miracles and Peebees! It is a great time to get together, watch each other and cheer on each other.

The Open can bring about a rollercoaster of emotions – exhilaration, fear, disappointment, excitement and celebration. And that’s OK – as with anything that you care about and worked hard at, you want to do your best. The Open throws at you a mix bag of movements – some you might be good at, some not so good at. It tests your engine and your skills. If the outcome from one workout is disappointing, do not let it bring you down. ONE WORKOUT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. THE OPEN DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! On the other hand, let it be fuel to work harder at that certain movement or weakness. If this is your second Open, this is a test of how far you have improved from last year! Your personal journey. Assess how far you have come and what you want to achieve for the next Open! If this is your first Open, congratulations on being part of it and for testing yourself.

We love CrossFit because there is always something to chase; a new goal, a new skill. We are constantly being challenged! It can also be frustrating; so many things to learn and be good at! But deep inside we are all the same – we are fighters, we do not give up and we want to continuously improve ourselves.

Good luck everyone! May the Open be a journey of growth for us all.

CrossFit Fibre Open 2017

CF Fibre Friday Morning Open

Friday 9.30 Open crew



CF Fibre Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights crew



Endurance training and high intensity training can cause stress to the body in the form of  increased level of cortisone. Overtraining (Any type) can also lead to you feeling ill or rundown, losing muscle mass, gaining fat, and constant exhaustion. Not only is this counterproductive to most people’s fitness and health goals, but it is also a sign of sickness. It is there essential that you incorporate some sort of recovery methods to aid in your recovery. We list below a few techniques that will help.

  • Sleep

Without quality sleep, your body can’t fully recover from exercise. It is essential for critical processes like cellular growth, muscle repair, detoxification, and memory consolidation. Sleep is a natural and essential part of our clock cycle, and our bodies need it to maintain internal equilibrium that we need for optimal health.If we’re not getting proper rest, it can lead to fatigue, disruption to hormones, irritability, lack of physical energy, weaker motor skills and an inability to focus. If we’re well-rested, a lot of the other aspects of what makes us healthy fall into place including a moderate, healthy diet and exercise.

Tips for a good sleep:

Magnesium is one of the most powerful relaxation minerals around and can really help with sleep. Also try epsom salt baths or capsules.

Ensure that you have eaten adequately to fuel you through the night. A balanced fat and protein dominated meal will do the trick nicely. Also lay off the alcohol as it inhibits deep sleep. If you have a fast metabolism try a spoonful of nut butter, a handful of nuts or a small piece of protein before bed to stabilise your blood sugars through the night.

  • Mobility

Optimal range of motion (ROM) enables an athlete, the ability to set up for correct body positioning required for an exercise.

To increase ROM or mobility, you can work on the soft tissue either be a massage or self-myofascial release (SMR). SMR is typically performed using a foam roller. The next level, once you’ve adapted to soft tissue work, is “deep tissue” release using again, Trigger Points Massage Balls, Footballer and Quadballer. These tools enable you to go deeper into specific targeted muscles. Most people think they need to smash the musculature for a release, however this is quite the opposite. You need to be relaxed and performing deep-belly breathing for self-myofasical release to work. This allows the parasympathetic nervous system to relax and the enable the tools to perform their job.

Releasing stuck tissue and improving movement is crucial to long-term recovery and hitting your personal goals.

  • Remedial Massage

If you have particular muscle tension or chronic pain, a remedial massage may be for you. Your remedial massage therapist will assess where you need treatment and what may be causing your pain. They’ll perform some tests to see exactly which muscles are giving you trouble and will tailor a treatment plan to suit. The treatment itself may involve deep tissue work for short periods of time, but the results are definitely worth it!

Conditions such as sciatica, carpal tunnel, stiff necks, headaches, sports injuries and many more complaints can be eased with a remedial treatment.

Our in-house remedial masseuse Nikki is available for treatments on appointment and you are able to claim a health fund rebate for your remedial massage treatment under your extras cover (of course this only applies if you have a health fund that provides rebates for remedial massage).

CrossFit Fibre Nicole

Nikki, our in-house remedial masseuse

  • Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses that are held for longer periods of time — five minutes or more per pose is typical. In general, a yin approach works to promote flexibility in areas often perceived as nonmalleable, especially the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.proving flexibility. The body will respond by making the tissues a little longer and stronger.

To do yin yoga effectively and safely, the overlying muscles around the connective tissue you want to stretch must be relaxed.

Even if you only spend a few minutes a couple times a week practicing several of these poses, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how different you feel when you sit to meditate. But that improved ease may not be the only or even the most important benefit of Yin Yoga. If Hiroshi Motoyama and other researchers are right—if the network of connective tissue does correspond with the meridians of acupuncture and the nadis of yoga—strengthening and stretching connective tissue may be critical for your long-term health.

  • Float
CrossFit Fibre Beyond Rest Float Tank

Beyond Rest Floatation Tank

Flotation therapy has been academically studied in the USA and in Sweden with published results showing reduction of both pain and stress. At the moment there have been 80+ studies done on the benefits of floating.

The floatation tank contains a super-saturated Epsom salt solution, which is about 25cm deep. This creates an environment similar to that of the Dead Sea, letting you float effortlessly on the surface of the water and enjoy a feeling of weightlessness!

The buoyancy created by the Epsom salt solution effectively removes the effects of gravity on the body. This will make you feel weightless, letting every single muscle in your body fully relax.

With earplugs in and (if you choose) the tank’s interior lights switched off, the quietness and darkness will allow your mind to drift into a deep state of relaxation, creating a disconnection from today’s busy environment. Outside distractions such as sight, sound, tactile sensations, and gravity fade away, so you feel like you’re floating in space, losing track of where your body ends and the water begins. Noise from the outside doesn’t get to you. This is achieved by water and air being heated to your body temperature so you cannot distinguish between the air and water thus giving you the floating feeling.

The reduced stimulation encountered in the floatation tank refocuses the your attention to internal stimuli. At first this includes the novel sensations of floating effortlessly in darkness and quiet. The sensations of the body become more salient, making the flotation tank a walk-in biofeedback device. This natural biofeedback initiates a self-regulation process that encourages relaxation. This relaxation is augmented by the full body absorption of magnesium that elicits the release of muscle tension.

As physical sensations become less noticeable, mental activity can come to the fore. For those not used to being alone with their thoughts this can be difficult. However, even unpleasant thoughts become more pleasant as the body descends into a more deeply relaxed state. Eventually even the parade of thoughts subsides and the mind enters a meditative state.

“We had a Zen master who visited my lab once, and he asked to go in the tank for an hour. Most of his life he had meditated every day for four or five hours or more. And he thought the depth of meditation he reached in the tank was on par with a level he reached maybe once a year in his normal meditation environment—which was not exactly the middle of Times Square. He was amazed.” – Peter Suedfeld PHD

A 60-minute float costs around $79.
The closest float centers in Perth:
Beyond Rest  125 Edward St, Perth 9228 4062 / Unit 1, 10 Clarke Crescent, Joondalup 9300 9150 
Float and Restore 4 Uppill Place, Wangara 9409 2979
  • Cryotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is a hypothermic application designed to reduce muscoloskeletal pain and inflammation. WBC stimulates the nervous system through skin receptors, causing dramatic peripheral vasoconstriction. The CryoSauna uses liquid nitrogen to rapidly lower the skin’s top layer to -5 degrees celcius, while cabin temperature drops to a range of -170 degrees celcius. During the 2-3 minutes of extreme cold, the brain stimulates the body’s organ regulatory functions resulting in energy increase, cell rejuvenation, immune system boost and overall system self-healing.

It is recommended to have WBC 1-2 times a week.

Cryo is available at Verve Recovery Suite 5, 77 South Terrace, Como 9367 5969.

Please see deal below available for all FibreFam over The Open season.

CrossFit Fibre Dani Cryo

Dani getting a Cryotherapy treatment at Verve Recovery

CrossFit Fibre WBC Benefits

  • Compression (Normatec)

Normatec Pulse Pro compression technology promotes the movement of blood flow, lymphatic fluid and lactic acid out of the legs and arms. This ultimately allows for a shorter recovery time and therefore higher volume training.

Normatec is available at Verve Recovery Suite 5, 77 South Terrace, Como 9367 5969.

CrossFit Fibre Normatec

Keith getting a Normatec recovery at Verve Recovery

For the next 3 weeks over The Open season (6 Feb to 25 Mar), FibreFam benefits from the following deal:

  1. Unlimited Normatec fpr $49 per week
  2. 2 Cryo and Unlimited Normatec for $97 per week
  • Supplements (protein powder and ZMA)

Ensuring your body receives a regular supply of protein is essential for supporting lean muscle growth. Protein consists of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle and allow us to build, repair and maintain muscle tissue.

Building muscle mass essentially involves the process of lifting heavier weights, tearing the muscle fibres and then rebuilding them stronger and bigger and this is where regular protein intake comes in. Current research indicates roughly 2.2g of protein per kg of body weight is required for building muscle. For an 80kg male this equates to 176g/day which equates to roughly 30g-40g per meal spread over 5 meals.

Protein can be attained from a wide range of wholefood sources such as fish, chicken, and beef as well as non-animal sources such as quinoa, green peas and nuts.

  1. Good quality Protein powders

Protein can also be attained in supplement form, most commonly in powders such as whey protein powder, pea protein powder or rice protein powder. These powders allow for a convenient way to add additional protein calories into your daily diet and assist with muscle building needs.

  • Faster Recovery
  • Energy Boost
  • Muscle Growth

We recommend True Protein WPI which boasts 90%+ protein content making it ideal for supporting lean muscle.

2. Zinc and Magnesium (ZMA) blend

ZMA is a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6 designed to maximize absorption and to promote recovery from exercise. Zinc plays a central role in the regulation of cellular growth and tissue repair, as well as the maintenance of a healthy immune system. Magnesium is essential for the maintenance of electrolyte balance, energy production and normal neuromuscular function. Because physical activity can increase the need for these two minerals, ZMA is the ideal supplement to aid in their replenishment.

We recommend True Protein ZMA Blend OR Pure Pharma M3.

True Protein products can be ordered via CrossFit Fibre and a discount is available for members on most products. Please email your orders at



CrossFit Fibre Kids Term 1

Coach Kym with the small kids group

This year we decided to expand our kids coaching team for the small kids group by adding a new coach, Kym Dabrowski. Kym was chosen due to her warm nature and patience. She is one of the most supportive members at Fibre! With 2 kids of her own who do CrossFit, she knows first-hand of the benefits that kids can get from CrossFit.

Please join me in welcoming Kym to the coaching team. Our kids will be in great hands!

Kym Dabrowski: Besides being a Crossfitter myself for almost 2 years I am looking to expand my role within the Crossfit community. Being mentored by the coaches at Fibre is the perfect place to begin this journey. My professional background is in finance and insurance – not very ‘crossfitty’ – although the number crunching skills sure do help! When I was asked to assist Coach Jess with our junior Crossfit kids class I jumped at the chance! My children have attended crossfit Fibre kids for almost a year, so I was familiar with the group and knew they were a wonderful bunch full of energy. I’m another set of eyes to ensure your kids are moving well, being safe and having fun!



CF Fibre Motivation


by Coach Dani Sherwood

It’s cold, dark, raining. I don’t like the wod. I’m sore. I’m tired.

There are one million and one excuses out there but none are ever good enough for the committed. What motivates us to show up to bust our butts and keeps us coming back for more?
In my mind, us crossfitters are a special breed. We don’t say die, don’t take no for an answer, strive for progress and improvement everyday. Crossfit pushes us to test our limits, one more rep! and teaches us to be lifelong learners (still perfecting that snatch technique!!) But life can get in the way sometimes and this is when we need to re-focus and prioritise.
I know my Crossfit addiction is fed by the constant drive to be my best. Each new skill I learn makes way for mastery of the next. I know this takes dedication, so even on the days I’m tired/sore/it’s too dark I haul ass, forever chasing the next step.
One of best motivators is my team of #strongbitches. The ladies that are my sounding board and my motivators. I know no matter how hard my day has been I can walk through that door see their faces, get the barbell out and leave it all behind. The beauty of Crossfit is that none of us are the best at All the things, so we are in a constant game of tag, bringing out the best by pushing one another. The community at Fibre make it a place you WANT to go, not a chore to train.
I also know I have little eyes at home constantly watching me and I am a living example to them. This is the most important motivator of all. If my girls can see me develop patience, practice determination, grow and learn, fail and keep trying and take these skills into their own lives, then I feel that is a parenting win. And we all know that will motivate me more than anything.

We also asked some of our members what their motivators are, what keeps them going when the going gets tough. Below are their answers which we hope will help keep you motivated and inspired to start or keep going.

Janine Watson: For me it’s a few things. 1. The people. I don’t know many gyms that are as welcoming as Fibre. It makes it easy to want to come when there is always someone happy to see you. 2. I don’t want to let the coaches down. For example early Saturday morning I’ve usually seen the WOD and I don’t want to go. 😊 but I know how much effort our coaches put in so that’s a big factor in getting up and showing up. 3. Goals and things to learn. So many things to master 😂 I keep coming back so I can learn all the things.

Tamara A’Vard: I have a few reasons too. For me, exercise has always been a way of life. Something I have to do to keep my mind healthy. I have to think about sooo much and plan so many things in life so it is great to be able to come to crossfit and someone else has done the planning!
So I guess that it’s more that if I miss a session my mind suffers and at 5:30am when I wake up after a little amount of sleep I just remind myself of how good I will feel when I have finished the WOD.
I also like to keep in a routine of the days I train as it soon becomes a habit.
Also the fitter I become -the more addicted I am to coming back.
The people at Fibre also make the place- Jess and Bjorn it starts with you guys for setting such a great friendly and welcoming standard for all to follow. All the coaches follow suit and show the same interest in each each of us. Then to all of the awesome friends I have met- (all of the Fibre fam) you guys are awesome and I feel so much better after having a gasbag with many of you.

Mandy Gratzer: The motivating factor for me coming is always about the fact that it’s FOR ME. It’s my SELF CARE. I think knowing that the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, is what keeps us motivated after years of doing crossFit. As in, we know how enjoyable it is, how effective it is for results and self improvement over years of attendance and so that’s what keeps us coming

Kerry Collins: It’s weird.. before CrossFit what I considered exercise was a walk around the park or the block.. which of course it is but I never sustained or kept up regular walks. Totally unmotivated.  CrossFit Was a set day and time of two days a week and when I first started, I could not even run 20O metres without wanting the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
When I nailed my first 40o metres of non stop running I might as well have run a marathon it was such a huge achievement. Then I went on to run a 12km city to surf run. Non stop. That was truely my marathon. As I ran over the 12 km finish line, it was a quick ‘well done to myself’ and I’m never doing that again. 😂I still look back in disbelief that I did that but CrossFit and the community got me through believing in myself.
I think what makes CrossFit different and what keeps me motivated and coming back 4 days a week, is the community! 100 percent , feeling like you are part of something that embraces and supports everyone’s individual journey.
CrossFit never ever stops challenging you. You are always .. ALways chasing something no matter how fast, strong or good you get. That’s what keeps me motivated and also how good you feel after flogging yourself !! all those endorphins.. so good for your mental health and your muscles.



Be excited for our next social event!

Bus will pick us up from Fibre and take us to about 5 places (winery, brewery) including a lunch stop. If last year’s was anything to go by, this event is going to be epic and not one to be missed! Watch snippets of last year’s tour above!! SO MUCH FUN.

More details on the exact stops will be communicated soon! If you are not on Facebook and want in, email us at to book your spot.


Cocktails that Cost You Burpees

CrossFit Fibre Espresso Martini

Hmmm Espresso Martini

We all love a good night out. And with it is the lure of the numerous fancy cocktails that taste phenomenal. As tasty as they may be, these cocktails are also deceivingly high in calories when mixed, all of which will negatively impact your training goals if you are looking to drop in bodyfat. The list below is some of the worst culprits and some classical favourites. They say moderation is the key, but what is moderate? Half of what you should be drinking?

You all know what 50 Burpees feels like, or when your Birthday Burpees comes along. So check this list out below of how many you need to do PER drink. Let that sink in. PER drink. Because let’s be honest, one is never enough.

Pina Coladas: You’ll knock back more than twice the alcohol per drink as your beer-drinking friends, not to mention 550 calories per 10-ounce drink. That’s about the same as a double-cheeseburger at your favourite fast-food place. This will mean a whopping (392/462 Burpees).

Margarita: If this is that frozen concoction that helps you hang on, you might want to rethink things. Frozen or on the rocks, a typical margarita has 550 calories and almost three servings of alcohol (392/462 Burpees).

Long Island Iced Tea: Whoever came up with this drink must have had a few already. There’s no tea, but there is a bit of everything else: gin, rum, vodka, tequila, and triple sec. 500 calories (349/420 Burpees).

Mojito: What’s in there: 242 calories (169/203 Burpees).

Strawberry Daquiri: 288 Calories (201/242 Burpees).

Cider: 210 calories with some leading brands containing more – you could be consuming the same amount of calories as a sugar doughnut in 1 pint. Do not forget to multiply by the total number of pints had to get your final number (146/176 Burpees).

Espresso Martini: 285 Calories in this beautiful coffee tasting scorpion of a drink (199/239 Burpees).

Burpee Conversions are calculated by using the average calories it costs per Burpee for an average 80kg male and a 70kg female. Calories/1.43 for males and Calories/1.19 for females. No, I did not make this up, some scientists have actually calculated the energy needed to perform Burpees. Do not forget to multiply those Burpees by the number of cocktails that you have.

There you have it. Have a few cheekies and we will see you in the box tomorrow. Oh and do not forget to bring your knee sleeves.


Activating Your Glutes

We recently filmed a video on Glute Activation.Understanding how to communicate with your glutes is important when it comes to your weight lifting, but are you actually able to control the muscles in your Glutes?

Here is the link to the video on Youtube if you have not seen it yet and learn our top exercises to turn on your glutes that are important for your wods.

Stay tuned for more tutorials and also some of the shenanigans that we get up to at Fibre. Here is the link to our CrossFit Fibre YouTube Page of Instructional Videos.


Box Rules

CF Fibre Box Rules

Fibre’s Box Rules

For all the new members who have just joined us, please familiarize yourselves with our box rules. Current members too who need a refresher should get to this page Box Rules to check our rules in more details.

Warm Up and Stretch: The Non-Negotiables

  • The Warm up is carefully selected to warm the joints up, prime the central nervous system, increase joint mobility and synovial fluid in moving joints, in preparation for high intensity complex movements that are required in CrossFit.
  •  If you are late for the class and miss out on the movement prep session, you are not allowed to join in the class with a short general warm up. We know that sometimes unforeseen reasons may be the cause but for your own safety, you will not be allowed to just join in the class.
  • If the coach has not determined that you have properly conducted the warm up, you will be removed from class.
  •  If you require more time to warm up, arrive earlier to class and begin your warm up. This will reduce delays in class and will cause the class to have the wod shortened.
  •  If the class is running behind, the coach will shorten or time cap or shorten the wod so that the mobility or stretch is included. If you know you will need to strap up your hands, wear sleeves or change shoes, do them before the session start or prepare your straps prior to class instead of bringing out your origami kits in class.

The effects may not be seen in the short term but may be amplified in the long term if you continue these practices and we do not enforce measures to reduce these risks. There have been far too many overuse type injuries or minor acute injuries from incorrect or improper warm up sequences or cool down/mobility drills.

Cooling Down

Immediately after the wod, it is important that you recover by gaining consciousness, rehydrate and then continue to move for another 5 minutes. Moving will allow you muscles in your legs to continue to contract, which will assist in removal of waste by-products in your muscles and increase your recovery rate. A row or Airdyne cool down is also recommended.


  • Stretching or mobility allows your body to cool down and return to its normal resting state. If you have used your legs a lot in the wod, which is most of the time, you will need to move until the blood and waste has been removed from your limbs.
  • When you work your body so hard until you go to another galaxy or get that tunnel vision, you need at least 30minutes to return back to a normal state. Under no circumstances are you allowed to operate any vehicles or machinery within 30minutes of being in a bone-crunching workout. It is similar to being drunk with your vision and judgement being impaired and reduced reflexes.
  • Leaving early. If you need to leave early please notify the coach so that a modified wod can be organised for you either time capped or reduced reds. There will be no completing the entire wod. The wod will be modified, the Stretch and Mobility will NOT be missed.
  • Take Home Stretch “I’ll Stretch when I get home” We all know that this rarely happens. And with that in mind, take 5minutes and perform it under the coach’s eyes.

I have known clients who have felt light headed as they got to the car and some who have passed out after walking out of the gym because they have not cooled down properly. Blood pooling occurs when you are still warm, your blood is all in your legs and you walk out before letting the blood volume normalise around your body.

Do not be offended if the lead coach stops you from leaving if you have not done a stretch down. Your workout is not complete if you have not completed a Stretch.