Hello guys, welcome to our April-May Buzz! After the 5 weeks where the Opens took place, we were all ready for the very popular wine tour! A jolly good time was had and we cannot wait for next year’s! In May, we continued on with Performance Training to prepare everyone for the Three Vs Three Showdown.
A big congratulations to our Member of the Month, Kym Dabrowski! It is with great pleasure that we get to feature her in this edition.
Here is a recap of what went down at the box, together with some helpful articles and what to look forward to in the next couple of months. Everyone keep warm and stay motivated for the months ahead!
Member of the Month – Kym Dabrowski
Kym is a third of the Texas Rangers – Get More Shit – a powerhouse team that placed 4th in their second intermediate team comp in the November 2016 3v3 showdown from a 25th position in June 2016! Kym is also one of our most improved athletes over 2016 – she has some impressive lifts of: 135kg Deadlift, 72.5kg Clean and 70kg CnJ! It is with absolute pleasure that we are featuring her as our Member of the Month.
Consistent, hard work and resilient, Kym is a regular 6am’er and will not miss the weekly Weightlifting and Gymnastics classes. Never one to give up in the face of a challenge – and we learn below that stems from her personality – she does not like excuses and will definitely not make any for herself. Instead she will be hungrier to overcome the challenge and will spend hours working towards her goals.
Not only a committed athlete, Kym is one of the warmest member at the box and always has time for everybody. She is encouraging, helpful and just a great person to be around.
Kym – thank you for who you are and what you bring to Fibre. We love having you at the box.
- Tell us a bit about you?
I’m a mum of 2. I am a thinker and have a hard time relaxing (that’s what Crossfit is for apparently). I really love my rock n roll and music in general. I love numbers and statistics and remember a lot of useless info including your PBs. I try and set a good social example to my kids and involve myself in community and school volunteer work. I get really excited about travelling.
- Who and what inspires you?
Lots of people in the box for different values I admire such as dedication, integrity, work ethic and the ability to not take this whole Crossfit thing too seriously all the time.
- Can you cook and what are your favourite dishes?
I can cook but I go through phases of inspiration or it feels like a chore. I make a really good sweet chicken curry and my family loves my lasagna though I don’t eat much gluten so that sucks for me.
- How would you describe your ideal day?
Getting an early WOD in, going home, coffee and going back to bed with no interruptions sounds pretty good. Someone would bring me food in bed.
What made you start CrossFit? I used to do boot camp with a bunch of crazy bishes then our pink haired trainer got her L1 and slowly & sneakily morphed us into Crossfit devotees.
- What has CrossFit done for you?
Crossfit physically has changed my health and strength for the better. Most importantly my mental health has improved massively as well as my self confidence/body image. I would never have worn booty shorts in my 20s, I was too shy! Another bonus is all the fabulous friends I’ve made over the last few years, I’m very lucky.
- What is your favourite WOD?
Grace though I feel sick when it comes up, it hurts. Annie I would do every day if it didn’t make my butt so raw.
Burpees or Chin Ups? Chin ups for sure 🌸
- What has been your biggest achievement so far?
In Crossfit? Turning up consistently when it’s cold, dark, early and raining to smash it out and get that endorphin rush. I don’t like excuses from anyone especially myself, so I get it done no matter what.
- What do you like most about CrossFit Fibre?
Well the people mostly, I always feel welcome and try and return that sentiment to other members. I love to see people achieve their goals and share their triumphs with each other. So nice!
- If you were to design a WOD for the coach, what would it be?
I’d program the beep test and upon failure immediately into a heavy Karen (plus weights vest optional/not really optional). I’m resting that day.
- What are your CrossFit goals?
I really want to improve my open ranking each year, to break the top 10 in my age category and the top 100 in the state. Mainly to prove to myself that the hard work is worth the pain and it’s a good indicator of my fitness. I have goals for particular movements such as to improve my snatch technique and eventually get a muscle up.
May PeeBees
Congratulations to all the amazing PeeBees for May. Ding Ding! #pbbell
Accuracy of your Smart Watches in Counting Energy Expenditure
We are in love with our smart watches. The industry of smart watches have taken off since Apple came out with the Apple watch and now you see Fit Bits everywhere and other payers in the industry cashing in on the craze of masses wanting to get in the know of how their hearts are doing in relation to their work and also the relative energy expenditures of their activities.
Patients are now bringing in their heart rate and calorie expenditure data to doctors and GPs to assess their performances, but are they actually getting quality data from reliable tools? How accurate can that data be?
A group of American scientists have done a study to determine how accurate that data can be and they have come up with some interesting findings. The devices tested were the Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S2, Fitbit Surge, Microsoft Band, Mio Apha 2 and PulseOn.
Out of all the devices that were tested, all devices did not have an error of under 20% for the Estimated Energy Expenditure function (Calorie counter after the end of your activities), which meant that these devices were not so good in calculating your actual caloric output in your activities. Some were way off to say the least. The smart watch that had the lowest error surprisingly was the Apple Watch and the watch that had the highest error was the Samsung Gear S2.
In summary, use these smart devices to determine your heart rate and let it give you a current status of your intensity level. Knowing how hard you are going will give you an idea of when you need to pull back, and when you can actually sprint a little more and empty the tank. Do not worry about how many calories you have pushed; it varies completely with so many other factors that the watch is not considering.
There is a need to factor in height, weight, activity performed, movement relative to the ground and a multitude of other factors relevant for Energy Expenditure we may have a more accurate reading. Perhaps later on, there will be a device that will give you more accurate readings of calories, but at the moment, the smart watches are not so reliable for the Energy Expenditure reading.
Creatine Monohydrate as a Supplement for Power
So you love to lift big. We all do. In CrossFit, a fun part of our day is being able to finish work and come down and then lift some bars and throw them as part of our workout. But is there a supplement that can help us improve our lifts? Yes.
Creatine Monohydrate. The name itself should be synonymous with high power movements. Sporting officials tried banning this when it was found to be a supplement athletes were taking but they were unable to because they found that it was an element that was produced naturally in your body and also found in red meat. Certain organizations in America do ban the use of it in their sports like NCAA.
When you look at your physiology of your body, your lifts are dependent on the type of energy systems that your body is using. And the heavier it gets, the more likely you will be using the Creatine-Phosphate system for 1 or 2 reps. This is the system that needs that Creatine Monohydrate supplement replacement. The more stores of Creatine in your system, the more fuel you have to lift the heavier lifts. It is as simple as that. Carbs are needed for your longer metcons and creatine is essential for your heavy lifts. Since there is a mix of both in CrossFit wods, you will need your creatine mixed into your drinks and consumed up to 1 hour prior your workouts.
As we do order True Protein, their best product is the True Pre without the caffeine. This product gives a good boost in your performance without the jitters of the caffeine which feels good and clean. Lifts are better, more efficient and feel easy when on it as compared to days when not ingested.
It is recommended to take this between an hour and 2 hours before your workout, past the one hour mark for a better absorption of creatine into your muscles. Timing of this is essential to maximise the potent effects of this supplement.
Drop us a line if you would like to order the True Protein to Rx your next workout. Get it in before our next bulk order.
Extended Warm Ups for the Chilly Weather
It is getting cooler and crispier in the early mornings and evenings now. Needless to say, our regular body temperatures are dropping too. And if you have your joints exposed, chances are they will be pretty cool and possibly frozen cold.
With that said, you will probably need some extended warm ups to get warmed up prior. 30 air squats may not even cut it. For some of us, extended warm-ups are needed, based on age, gender and previous injury risk or possible injury risk. It does not hurt to extend the warm up and add 20% to the reps given.
If you need to, come in earlier and start your warm up and instead of standing around, go for a job around the block and continue the conversation. This will test your fitness and also get you fitter if you are able to go for a run and hold a conversation. Grab a few others and head on out and be outside for a bit before class begins.
Some members have noted that in some of their workouts, they started to feel stronger and less inhibited in the movements once they were 10-15 reps in to a full Snatch workout. Which really meant that they would have saved more energy if they were already properly warmed up for the first 15. If you are not warm, your tightness will lead to other non-necessary muscles compensating to assist.
Come in early and get started on your warm up. A light jog around the block, leg swings and arms swings are a great way to start the workout session. Work up a sweat and raise that heart rate a little.
Wine Tour 2.0 2017
What an amazing day out in the Swan chilling out with these fantastic bunch of cool cats. Our second outing is always a memorable experience for FibreFam. Definitely more to come.
Park WOD
We had a great time being in the outdoors for our Saturday Park WOD! The weather was kind to us as we completed our 10 rounds of sandbag cleans, stairs and hill sprints. Very enjoyable and just nice to be out there enjoying the great outdoors. We then followed with coffee and cake at Holly Rayes.
Awesome turnout and we look forward to the next one!
Three Vs Three Showdown Jun 2017
June 3 and 4 2017 was the first of the double day of Three Vs Three Showdown and we entered 10 teams into this competition, making it one of our biggest yet with 30 members in our box competing in the weekend with 8 Beginner teams, 1 intermediate and our first Rx male team.
The workouts were good, tested our coordination and communication with some synchronised movements, a spicy wod of kettlebell thrusters and rowing, a classic Double DT for 3 and a two-part metcon wod.
Our first timer competition athletes had a ball of a time competing and sweating together. It was exhilarating to watch and such a wonderful moment to see everyone step up training to become more efficient.
As for the next Three Vs Three in Nov 2016, we will look to stacking the teams, plugging our gaps in performance and also entering a few more teams as we had a few teams who were not there. Look out for the next big one coming up for the warmer months of the year.
Masters League 2017
Congratulations to Daniel Nin who was selected to the Masters League Invitational’s at REX CrossFit on 17th June 2017. Daniel quietly entered the Masters League Open, a group of masters aged 35 and over around Australia and New Zealand. Based on his submitted video entries in his previous 4 online workouts, he was invited to compete at the invitationals also known as the “Regionals” and the top 3 will head over to the Eastern States to compete. Go Dan!
If you are a Master and would like to participate in training for the Masters League, get in touch and let’s have a chat.
In-House Services
- Soft Tissue Treatment with Charlie – $45 (Introductory Price)
- Massage Therapy with Nicky – $70 (covered by your main health providers)
- Redline classes – HIIT (all levels) $20
- One-on-one Personal Training or Small Group Training outside of class hours – $60
Email us if you are interested in any of these services.
- Dance with Charlie June 2017
- Lifestyle Challenge July 2017
- Weight Lifting Comp August 2017
- Primal Throwdown 2017 October 2017
Social Media
We love being on Social Media and if you are on Facebook, do tag us in your images or posts with the #crossfitfibre and #fibrefam.
If you are recording a PB attempt, post it up onto your social media and hashtag us.
You may use images posted in the Facebook members page only if there are images of yourself only.
Family and Friends – Welcome to Fibre!
Do you have Friends or Family who would be interested in becoming part of Fibre? Have they heard so much about your workout tales that they hinted that they would like to come try a class?
Well this is your chance – Every Tuesday and Thursday 7pm, or Saturday 7.45am – bring them along and do the class with them! Nothing more fun than a sweaty session with a mate!
Happy 2nd Birthday to The Little Shop of Plenty
Wishing our dear friends Kim and Mark a Happy Birthday and all the best for their new year. Plenty uses ‘wholefoods; fruits, vegetables and other plant ingredients which have been minimally processed… local & organic or spray free. To keep those wonderful natural nutrients alive and intact, we are keeping it mostly raw… but have some gently cooked specials for you too! All our food is gluten free, dairy free and free from cane sugar – using natural, low GI alternatives, not only for those living with intolerances, but for anyone who wants to live long & feel great!!’
They also hold regular workshops that aim to educate us all on the healthy ways of life 🙂
Address: 217 Railway Parade, Maylands