Warm UP (5mins)
400m Run Movement Flow
Push Up Claps 6×5
Clean 3×5
12 min AMRAP
10 Thrusters 45/30
10 Chest to Bars
100 Double Under BuyOut
Skill of the Week
Butterfly Kip – Cycle-Hollow Rock 6 Cycles
Deadbugs 3x
Plyometrics are a great method of building strength. They also highlight your muscular capabilities very quickly. A lack of strength will mean you will not have many reps of the push up claps. If you this is the case, you will need to add push ups to your daily homework. 30 reps every couple of days for the next month if you are unable to successfully perform 3 complete rounds of 6 rep push up claps.
Cleans will be full ‘Squat Cleans’.
Deadbugs 3x is Deadbugs 3 Rounds. 3 Rounds means 3 minutes of the sequence.
Check the video out below and then add another round onto the end.
Deadbugs are great for core control. They will allow you to keep and maintain a stronger, flatter back and give you more awareness of what your lower back is doing when you are lifting. Remember the feeling of the Deadbug when you are weight lifting. Athletes who need to improve core control and stability, need to do this once every couple of days.