14 Sept Announcements:
Goal Setting
If you have joined us in the last 3 months, you will need to fill in your goals sheet you can find from this link: https://crossfitfibre.com.au//setting-goals-for-yourself/ Setting goals is important to your CrossFit journey so that we can help you achieve your goals and make your experience at Fibre a more meaningful and results based one. Please make sure you do this. This is a must. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Comp Training Friday 7pm
Comp Teams it is competition season towards the end of this year. We have three upcoming and we have a few teams coming in to the comps. It is awesome to see some new faces step up to have a go at the CrossFit competitions coming up. Comp class on Friday nights at 7pm are still a go ahead. If you are competing in the upcoming comps, you will need to include Friday night at 7pm where we cover more movements and movement combinations that may be programmed. If you are unable to attend the 7pm class, you will need to complete the Comp training piece in the weekend Open Gym time. Please make the effort and put in the time to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the upcoming comps.
Mobility and Stretching
Mobility and Stretching is important. Spend up to 15- 20 minutes daily with your stretching routine. Else it will be forced upon you. Your training is incomplete if your stretching is not done.
Booking In and Reservations
Booking in. Booking yourself in to classes is now essential to your attendance. No booking no class. Please familiarize yourself with the Zenplanner booking system. We would like everyone to actively book into the system and will be compulsory by November. www.crossfitfibre.zenplanner.com
I have done a walk through for Zenplanner in the link below. Please take some time in setting yourself up with it and getting familiar with the ZP system.
Strength Testing Day Sunday 20th September
20 Sept Sunday will be our first Strength Testing day at Fibre. If you are keen to test your strength based on our Strength Testing Standards, do let us know by 16 Sept (Wednesday). Next Testing date will be October 18.
Long Weekend 26-28th September
26 Sept Saturday Coach Kelvin will be taking the Saturday 9am class. Monday’s am class is at 9am. Bookings essential for those classes.
Lifestyle Challenge in October 2015
Lifestyle Challenge is back again in October! If you are looking to lose fat, feel fantastic and regain good eating habits, then you will need to get on board this Challenge. 8 weeks of getting off the sugars, processed foods mixed up with your CrossFit workouts. What have you got to lose (but all the fat)? Sign Up for the Lifestyle Challenge starting October 5th – November 29. Grab a mate and get them to come along too. Challenges are more fun when your mates are in it too.
Fibre In House Competition
Fibre In House Competition postponed to November 14 Saturday. Start preparing harder and adding some Open Gym times. 3 divisions, Beginner, Intermediate, Rx. At least 3 WODs in the day. $10 per Athlete to participate.