Well. It has been another crazy month with set backs and more spending on the box start up but it will be worthwhile in the end.
Progress update. The council is needing more drawings and a better application. Ok. Since they want more quality I have hired a planet who speaks his language and a drafty to draw all the required pictures they require to their standards. No harm doing that but at least it will ensure a successful application.
So we have a team of folks qualified to get us across the line. Until then, it will be a wait but the plans are being drawn up of how the box will operate. Systems. We need systems. Without systems a successful box cannot be run.
At this stage we are looking at September to launch. So till then folks, stay tuned. Fibre is coming.
Sorry about my finger in the pic. Hah.
Today’s WOD:
200m run
20 Burpees
10 Chinups
8 Rounds for Time