Pre Approval Recommended - CrossFit Fibre

We have gotten pre approval for the business. Almost there and you know what, it certainly has been worth the wait.
Although we are frothing to get the box on the way. Seriously. The gear is ready to be shipped, the customs clearance is ready to go.
Only a matter of days now.
If you are reading this, get to the Founder Members page to get your name on the list. There are 14 left as of 4.30pm yesterday and the campaigns only went up yesterday. That means that the chance of you scoring a cheap membership or should I call it Value Membership is slipping past.
It can only get more interesting.
In the mean time, on a totally different note, hand stand walks are amazingly awesome for your shoulder strength and health. The strength required for this simple and under used mode of transport phenomenal. If everyone spent a little time on their arms we would have minimal shoulder injuries and postural issues.