Goal Setting
10 min
Choose your fitness goal and something you would like to achieve.
Please see below for some example Consequence options.
We will review these in 3, 6 and 12 months.
Goals must have a date on them.
2km Row Time Trial
3 Rounds For Time
“Burn Factor”
24 Squats
24 Alternating Lunges
12 Single Lunge Left
12 Single Lunge Right
12 Jump Lunges
12 Jump Squats
Foam Roller Roll Out
Hip Flexors
Consequence options:
-Get egged by box members, 1 dozen only
-I will shave my hair/eyebrows/back hairs/get waxed by members
-I will wear any item of clothing given to me by members
-Swan dive into a pig pen (video proof)
-Wear a tutu and a wig and play the air guitar on the median strip of a busy road (video proof)
-Nudie Run/Nude holding signboard “I did not *include goal here*”
-Hog-tied to the chin up racks
-1 hour of Burpees
You get the point. If you are ingesting anything, it will be reviewed before it is approved. It will be in multiples of 10, ie 10 litres, 10 big Macs or 10 snickers bars in a set time frame 30minutes or 60minutes. There will be no cinnamon spoons.