11213 Open Day - CrossFit Fibre

10min AMRAP
8 Burpees
8 Thrusters
8 Chin Ups
3 Random Games to Win a 3 month Kevlar Membership
Ping a Cap
Open WOD
“Bring Sally Up”
It was a great day with a good turn out.
I would like to thank everyone who came down and supported the Open Day gathering at the Box today. It was great to see you all at the box.
Thanks and Special Mention to Coach Dusty who has put in loads of effort in the build and prep of the box. You are a champion mate.
The CrossFit Fibre Team (Rachel and Mariana) and Family (Jess, Jessie and William) for assisting with the prep and admin of the box.
Mark and Kim from the Little Shop of Plenty with their raw foods selection and the badass bass beats.
Fi for coming in and rubbing out a few bubbles in those tight bods.
We had some lovely presents including a Johnny Walker Red. Brilliant.
Congratulations to the Cap winners, Kai, Adam, Tommy and Tom.
We are holding a Fundraiser for Haiyan Victims next week on Saturday 7th December at 12.00pm. All proceeds and donations will be donated to a charity to assist in the relief efforts of the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Come on down and WOD with us.
More photos to come.
There are quite a few.
Time for some sleep before we do it all again tomorrow and announce a winner from the Games that we played.