10 CrossFit Workouts You Can Easily Do At Home
You may be stuck at home during this isolation time. You have access to a few things, but maybe not barbells, or other weights.
If you’re looking to work out from home, we’ve compiled a list of TEN CrossFit Workouts that you can do at home with minimal equipment. All exercises can be modified according to what you have. Stay tuned and we will post more up for you to keep yourself busy with.
What Makes These Workouts CrossFit?
They are general functional exercises (from many different disciplines) performed a thigh intensity. Also means that you need to be well versed in the exercises before you add the performance gear. Always work on the fundamentals and make sure you can do the exercises well before moving along with them at a faster rate.
Without further delay, here are the ten CrossFit workouts you can do at home:
Deadlift 100/60
Burpee over Bar
-Substitute the Barbell for a Dumbbell or Kettlebell
-Jump over the Dumbbell or Kettlebell
Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15
Burpee Over Dumbbell
Dumbbell Box Step Up 22.5/15; 20/24 Inch Box
-Knuckles touching the floor and your feet
-Full lockout of both legs and hips at the top of the box
150 Wall Balls
-Substitute for Airballs
The Stoji
100 Burpees (For Time)
-Chest to the floor and a jump (feet must leave the floor) and a clap above your head
Double Unders
-Substitute the Double Unders for Skipping
Double Unders
Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15
5 Rounds for Time
800m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
30 Pull Ups
-Substitute Pull Ups for Bent Over Rows
-American Kettlebell Swings, bell ends up and above head
20min AMRAP
5 Chin Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
- -Substitute Pull Ups for Bent Over Rows
1.6km Run
100 Chin Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1.6km Run
- -With a Weights Vest 9/7kg
- -Substitute Pull Ups for Bent Over Rows
Commit To Keeping Active
And that is it for now. We hope you enjoyed our list of ten home CrossFit workouts. If you do smash some of these out, be sure to record your time so you can keep track of your progress.
If you’re only just starting out with CrossFit, have a read of our Crossfit Beginner’s Guide and how to get a stronger head start into your new strength & conditioning regime.
As always, feel free to tag us on social media with your times, even if you’re not one of our members. We’re all in this fitness journey together.
Otherwise, just get through these ten workouts and drop your results in the comments and let us know how you go.
Go slightly under your max pace for these workouts. It is wiser to go just under so that you do not injure yourself or ping any muscles. Safety over performance in these times. If you have to question your safety during the workout, pull the pin for now. Fight it and go balls out another day.
Stay tuned. We will add more workouts for you to do as we may be sat at home for a while and some of you may blast through some of those workouts in a couple of days. Also aim to add some recovery sessions in there too which will include some stretch and mobility work.
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