CrossFit Fibre 1 Year Anniversary Dinner at the Classroom. A brilliant night out with some of our FibreFam to mark the beginning of a interesting journey with some amazing people. It has been inspiring and humbling to see all of your progress and growth in the short time you have been at the box and we are sure that we will be seeing more radical progress in the new year with all interesting new plans we have in store for you all. 😉
CrossFit Fibre will not be as fun, crazy and special if it was not for you guys and gals. Thank you for your love, hard work and passion for life.
For all of those who could not make it to the dinner we wish you were all there and hopefully you could make it next time. There will be plenty more events for you to attend.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Bring on 2015.
Fitter, Faster, Stronger and Beastier than Ever Before.