1 Oct 15 - CrossFit Fibre

Warm Up
400m Run, 30 Ring Rows, 4 Laps Lunges, 50 Shoulders Rolls (+extra Mobility), 5x20s Kipping Practice, 2 Laps Kick Up into Handstands

Front Squat (kg)
2 Reps 5 Rounds
Rest as needed
Establish a new PB

Light as Paper
4 Rounds
20 Push UPs
20 Overhead Plate Lunges 20/15
2x 50m Sprints
20 Chest to Bar

7pm Beginner

Warm Up
30x10m Laps, 20 Push Ups, 20 Ring Rows, 50 Shoulder Circles, 2 Laps Walking Lunges

2min Tests
Push Ups

Light as Paper
4 Rounds
20 Push UPs
20 Overhead Plate Lunges 20/15
2x 50m Sprints
20 Chest to Bar